Dear SAEINDIA Bangalore Section Member,
Warm Greetings.
I am pleased to inform you that, as decided in the SAEINDIA Managing Committee to conduct elections for Bangalore Section for the tenure 2020-22. The election process is to elect 20 members for the Bangalore Section MC to run the affairs of SAEINDIA Bangalore Section during this period.
Please note that due to pandemic, the current tenure of Bangalore Section is extended till 31 January 2021. SAEINDIA Managing Committee, through a Unanimous Resolution also “appointed Mr K.N.Krishnamurthy, former Executive Director of SAEINDIA, to be the Election and Returning officer to conduct the Bangalore Section Elections and he has accepted the assignment”.
SAEINDIA Bangalore Section Members who are on rolls up to 05 January 2021 alone will be eligible to contest and participate in the Election Process. As per the by-law of SAEINDIA, (uploaded on our website) only Fellow, Honorary member and Members are eligible to compete and vote in the Election of the Managing Committee members. Associate and Affiliate members cannot participate in the election process, including proposing and seconding a nominee. Similarly, Past Chairmen of the section and Past President of SAEINDIA cannot contest but can propose or second a nominee.
The following time table shall be followed
Issue of Nomination forms | 26 | December | 2020 | Saturday |
Last date for receipt of Nominations | 5 | January | 2021 | Tuesday |
Scrutiny of Nominations | 6 | January | 2021 | Wednesday |
Withdrawal of Nomination | 11 | January | 2021 | Monday |
Dispatch of Ballot Papers to Members | 12 | January | 2021 | Tuesday |
Last date of receipt of Ballot Papers | 3 | February | 2021 | Wednesday |
Counting of Votes & announcement of results to Secretary | 5 | February | 2021 | Friday |
All members should indicate their membership numbers. Members should have RENEWED their Annual Membership by paying the dues on or before 05th January 2021 to participate in the election process. Please also note that each member’s membership’s validity till the election results are announced, is maintained (for whose expiry falls after their nominations are sent). If we receive less than 20 nominations, there will be no election and issuance of ballot papers.
Nomination forms are also available from 26th December 2020 in the SAEINDIA office in Chennai and the Section Office in Bengaluru. The forms can also be downloaded from our websites OR
Form :
The completed nomination form should be sent as hard copy to SAEINDIA Bangalore Section Election and Returning officer, c/o SAEINDIA office, 1/17, Ceebros Arcade, 3rd Cross, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai 600 020, to reach him by 5 pm on or before ’05th January 2021′ through post or courier or in person.
I solicit the cooperation of all Members for the smooth conduct of the Election as per the schedule. I send you and your family an advance greeting for A Very Happy New Year.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely,
K.N. Krishmamurthy
Election and Returning officer – SAEINDIA Bangalore Section
26 December 2020