Heartfelt Condolence on the Demise of Mr. Rajiv Modi
We at SAEINDIA record with deep sorrow the sad, sudden and untimely demise of our beloved member Mr. Rajiv Modi Senior General Manager / Head Auto Division Build, Validation, Homologation, Proving Ground and Benchmarking Department of Mahindra Research Valley on 3rd August 2018 on account of sudden cardiac arrest.
Mr. Rajiv Modi has made a stellar contribution as Convenor of AWIM National Olympics 2015 making it a spectacular success. He has also been a Member of Automotive Board during 2016-2018 making significate contribution for the programs and events executed by the Board.
We offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved members of His family and pray for His Soul to occupy the highest pedestal in Heaven.