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- About TIFAN
TIFAN stands for “Technology Innovation Forum for Agricultural Nurturing”.
SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) is an international organization. It’s operations in India, SAEINDIA (www.saeindia.org) was started in 1994. In 2010, Off-Highway board was established, which caters to the aspect of mobility engineering related to all vehicles / equipment operated in rough terrain, mining, farm and non-track e.g. agriculture, construction and defense. Since its inauguration, board has been instrumental in focusing on the common issues related to Technologies of tomorrow and talent pool and has organized several national level events like –
- “FINE2010” – 2 weeks of induction program in Off-Highway companies for the faculties of engineering colleges.
- “EDU Meet 2013” to aspire women engineers for Off-Highway industry
- “SINE2013 & 2015” – 2 weeks of induction program in Off-Highway companies for the women engineering students.
- “Futuristic Technologies and Orbit shifting Business Strategies for Indian Off-Highway industry”

SAEINDIA Off-highway board is glad to inform you with the start of our first ever student’s competition program named ‘TIFAN’.
TIFAN stands for “Technology Innovation Forum for Agricultural Nurturing”.
Off-highway board is very happy to initiate this competition targeted to solve the farming challenges using mechanized solutions. It provides platform for connecting the bright and prosperous engineering talent available in the country with the real life challenges of agriculture sector. Through this program students from engineering and agricultural colleges across India will participate in providing innovative solution towards product design & development challenge.